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Author: Matías E. Salgado


Transdiagnostic approaches, such as the Method of Levels (MOL) that is based on Perceptual Control Theory (PCT), focus on the processes that generate and/or maintain psychological distress. In MOL, therapists (1) thoroughly explore individuals' problems, and (2) explore their "disruptions," which are brief shifts in the content of consciousness, coming from different perceptual levels. Disruptions provide opportunities for consciousness to shift to higher-level perceptions related to the conflict that generates psychological distress. Exploring disruptions facilitates gaining awareness of personal goals, conflicts, and perspectives which can lead to positive psychological change. PCT proposes that psychological change occurs internally in individuals through an innate process of change. By allowing consciousness to shift and focus on the content of disruptions, individuals can become more aware of their deeper goals and values. Facilitating consciousness to shift to higher perceptual levels becomes beneficial as it promotes the process of change, being this the most therapeutic intervention a therapist can provide.

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