Author: Matías E. Salgado
Method of Levels (MOL) is a therapeutic approach based on the direct application of the Perceptual Control Theory (PCT). MOL has the aim to help people shift their awareness to higher-lapproaching-the-past-the-present-and-the-future-in-therapy-the-method-of-levels-mol-perspectiveevel goals which are in conflict, and which maintain psychological distress. This paper aims to make an introduction to the concepts developed by Mansell, Tai, & Carey (2012) about the approach of the past, the present and the future from an MOL therapy perspective. The past can serve as a reference to guide the present. The future allows people to connect with their high-level goals (values, wishes, ideals, goals, etc). In the present is where the control of the experience occurs, and from where people can restore a flexible control of their lives. With the aim of facilitating the comprehension of these conceptualizations, different every-day life examples are presented, sharing clinical examples as well. At the same time, examples of therapeutic interventions to explore the past, present and future from a Method of Levels (MOL) approach in clinical settings are included.
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